'This band was one of my discoveries of the last year, and the label-free period is now over for CONNECT THE CIRCLE with their third album, and for good reason.' 9/10!
Lars Schuckar - Deaf Forever metal magazine (DE) 2023

METALLURGI (Blinded By The Violence)
Metallurgi is a music blog that informally and personally discusses Norwegian metal in its entirety (NO)
Connect the Circle has delivered a rock-solid, prog-metal disc with 'Blinded by the Violence', a release that should appeal to a wide range of the Norwegian metal population.
WORLD OF METAL (Blinded By The Violence)
Interviews, news and reviews! (PT)
After last years’ great album, “Mother Of Evil”, Norwegian band Connect The Circle are back for their third. The band has already revealed in the aforementioned work a relevant progressive foundation, and here that foundation is more evident than ever in a song like “Beyond Good And Evil”

HEAVYMETAL.NO (Blinded By The Violence)
Norwegian webzine, with focus on Norwegian metal! (NO)
'Production has also become much bigger, more powerful, which may have something to do with the case. It's tile nailing really, Connect The Circle will probably leave a lot of black smoke here, and the footnote that the variety is there like an ace is something I think people should note. So listen to the whole album, not just individual songs.' 7,5/10

SENTINEL DAILY (Blinded By The Violence)
A Metalsite with daily news & weekly charts (AU)
"Return To Earth ends things on an upbeat, uplifting note powered by the bubbling basswork of Mariuuz, and as it’s final notes drift off into the innermost parts of your brain you’ll find yourself smiling and commending yourself for sticking with what turns out to be a very fine album indeed. Connect the Circle really seem to have hit a creative sweet spot here" - Scott Adams 16.02.23.

SAITENKULT (Blinded By The Violence)
Webzine & Metalsite (DE)
"Atmospheric compositions in traditional metal are 'Blinded By The Violence' and 'Blown Away', while 'Nøkken' tries to bring these components into the traditional way of their homeland and is consequently performed in Norwegian. The next beauty of the chorus is the once again rough, riffing 'Return To Earth', before the ten-minute 'Beyond God And Evil' starts its last and extremely heroic tour with southern acoustic guitar." 8/10

METALLURGI (Nøkken - Single)
Norwegian metalsite/blog (NO)
"Where much of the material on 'Mother of Evil' was colored by heavier, more modern directions within the subgenre, Connect the Circle's latest single is a more or less classic prog-metal construction. Stomping, folk-tonal verses lead into waltzing, romantic choruses; the whole thing a backdrop for Arild Fevang's robust vocal performance"
Fredrik Schjerve - Metallurgi

CROSSFIRE - METAL (Mother Of Evil)
Online Metal Magazine (DE)
«I like this combination exceptionally well, because all the songs have the necessary class and never get boring. The ingredients of this menu are not all new, but in this tasteful combination they are a real treat. That's why I have both thumbs up, and why I would like to give an unreserved purchase recommendation and hereby do so. Now all I have to do is get the previous one, "This Is Madness", which passed me by at the time.» 8.5/10

WORLD OF METAL (Mother Of Evil)
All in the World Of Metal, Here you can find the best reviews, the best playlists and the best interviews! (PT)
«Heavy metal paced and with some traditional elements but with a sound modern, where the guitars have a modern groove that fits well with what they do. “Mother Of Evil” is reminiscent of those albums when power metal was on the rise and was the gateway to other more traditional genres such as hard rock and heavy metal.» 8.5/10

ROCK TRIBUNE (Mother Of Evil)
Metal Magazine (BE)
«After the very successful debut «Mother Of Evil» is the second release for the Norwegian band Connect The Circle. Compared to the debut «This Is Madness», the new record needs a little more listens. The album opens with the somewhat quieter and slightly more difficult The Legend Of Becky Cotton. Fortunately, this is followed by the three perhaps best songs of the record, the grand title track, the very catchy first single 34 Million-Mile-Mission, and the icing on the cake 1519 about the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Singer Arild has a voice that you either don’t like or you’ll love, the music is sprinkled here and there with some folky influences, and they fit the music wonderfully. Mother Of Evil is a very varied album and brings melodic progressive metal that sometimes reminds me of Falconer (RIP) here and there. (Nico De Vreese)»

Established in 2015 by former Metal as Fuck editor Scott Adams, Sentinel Daily aims to bring you the latest news, reviews and interviews from the wonderful and frightening world of heavy metal (AU)
«....1519 is quite superb; an epic in all but duration – it takes Connect The Circle six minutes to accomplish what lesser bands could do in three times the time – and it’s this song that perhaps shows off what the band does in it’s finest light, as they tell the tale of Spain in Central America via the medium of a bravura display of light and shade and a grasp of heavy metal dynamics. Fevang is never less than commanding, but saves his best performance for following track Flat Moon Army, in which he hits some notes that can only reasonably described as ‘King Diamondesque’ whilst Brastad grinds out some of the heaviest riffs on the album. Again, quite superb is the only two word phrase that adequately sums things up!»

Online Metal Magazine! (AR)
«“Mother of Evil” with its half march that predominates throughout the song, except in the chorus, which is when it takes on more intensity. Locked bases, keys and double bass drum when required, the bass always at the foot of the canyon and the guitar solo with his particular passion and some speed. A vocal melody that catches you with its first note and an acoustic guitar to end the song.»

TØNSBERG BLAD (Mother Of Evil)
Daily Newspaper (NO)
One word: Massive.
«Do you like Iron Maiden? Saxon? Maybe Metallica? Or Rush for that matter? Then you can easily lend an ear to this album. Here, in the wide and huge auditory imagery and crystalclear sound you can find elements from all of them.» 5/6

SAITENKULT (Mother Of Evil)
We're a bunch of music-mad lunatics who lay down their enthusiasm for the second most beautiful thing in the world without paper between bits and bytes to share with you, yes, you, at any time. (DE)
«Basically, CONNECT THE CIRCLE is a modern Hard Rock band, which lives out in Heavy Metal as well as Prog Metal, not at all dissimilar to the melodic representatives á la ANUBIS GATE and in a dark atmosphere á la BEYOND TWILIGHT. The unleashed Power Metal of 'The Legend Of Betty Cotton' is even surprised by the thrashy advance of the rhythm section, bassist Raymond Smith and drummer Robert William, and otherwise invites music lovers from TAD MOROSE and CONECPTION. Arild Fevang's heroic vocals top it all off, though. He not only reminds one of Roy Khan or Jørn Lande, but also of Biff Byford in a second of another composition.»
PROGNYTT.NO (Mother Of Evil)
We especially want to highlight Norwegian prog with news, interviews and reviews. Norwegian music will be the first priority. (NO)
«One of the better metal albums that actually emphasizes the musical craft over technical subtleties and clever games - as far more pompous bands in this genre have a tired tendency to do. This is not to say that this is not a bunch of extremely competent musicians - because this is both tight, catchy and heavy - three things at once! See, it's actually possible!» 4/5

DEAF FOREVER (Mother Of Evil)
Metal Magazine (DE)
«If you assign Connect The Circle to melodic metal, then we are not talking about the happily jubilant variant, but rather the compositions of the Norwegians, in which they talk about mass murderers (The Legend Of Becky Cotton, Mother Of Evil), flights to Mars, internet rabble-rousers (Flat Moon Army) or the motorcycle stuntman Evel Knievel, mostly with a thoughtful undertone. Above all, the quartet, which was only founded in 2018 and already has a debut album (This Is Madness), tends towards Prog Metal. So in the restrained moments, bands like Threshold constantly come to mind as the biggest point of reference. Fans of the English band should definitely listen to numbers like the sublime 1519 or 34 Million Mile Mission, which is enriched with Irish folk parts. A big exclamation point in the atmospherically songs is also set by singer Arild Fevang, whose soulful, clear voice deserves the greatest possible attention. A fantastic album. Although they've experienced this, which band can claim to have received a thank-you letter from a king - like Harald V of Norway, for the ballad When The King Cried.»

VELVET THUNDER (This Is Madness)
Prog - Metal - Classic Rock (UK)
«Connect The Circle has a sound that is unique. Paradoxically, each new play points at different influences in there too but it is nothing definite, rather, it is more organic and changes depending upon your mood. It is melodic and harmonious and at time ethereal but always with an incessant beat that drives everything forward. A confusing description I appreciate but this is a band you just have to listen to and then you will make up your own mind. Arild Fevang supplies emotional vocals in perfect English and he has a very classical sounding voice that is wonderfully restrained and he helps to give much of the bands individual sound and he is ably supported by the rest of the guys as everything is played with restraint and control so that it is rock music but not wailing guitars or huge riff after riff, just simply drums, bass and guitar working in harmony to give a near perfect example of synchronicity. If you want straight forward rock ‘n’ roll then there are many, many bands out there to provide your fix but if you want something that is challenging and ultimately fulfilling then Connect The Circle is the band for you.»

HELLSPAWN (This Is Madness)
Online Metalsite (BE)
«By Odin, even today the Vikings are not to be underestimated! We got our Norwegian company's debut here in advance, and a first listen quickly became a second and before we knew it, "This is madness" could do its thing several times a week via our media player. The gentlemen bring nice melodic metal to the audience. The man who immediately walks with the most attention is singer Arild Fevang, who has a beautiful, pure voice. His fellow musicians also give the best of themselves, excellent and very strong guitar work, thundering drums. Nowhere, but nowhere do we actually have anything to notice. If you can present something this strong as a debut, then you set the bar high, very high for a possible successor.»

(This Is Madness)
Rock & Metal Magazine (UK)
«Arild Fevang is a vocalist of some considerable talent who wraps his vocal chords around the melodies, and in the case of «In My Darkest Hour» reveals an almost melodic rock tone to his vocal on this almost a ballad. There are some excellent guitar breaks from Kenneth Brastad, while bassist Raymond Smith kicks the proverbial throughout. A very good debut by a talented band who should go on your ones to watch list» 7/10

ROCKPORTAAL.NL (This Is Madness)
The Latest Metal News & Updates (NL)
«The debut album of this Norwegian band sounds familiar and yet it is not; it has its own twist. The band led by vocalist Arild Fevang, for example, knows how to make a very clear link in certain songs to the better work of Ronnie James Dio. The riffs and vocals are solid and give body to the songs. «The Jester» has a compact chunk of music, riffs, solos and strong drum and bass work. The aforementioned comparison with Dio can be heard excellently in the ballad «In My Darkest Hour», in which subtle guitar playing forms a harmonious whole with the vocals of Fevang. When the last song «United States Of Oppression» is finished, a feeling of satisfaction remains. This is an excellent album by an excellent band. And there is certainly a feeling of wanting more, more, more.»

ROCK TRIBUNE (This Is Madness)
Metal Magazine (BE)
«This foursome brings catchy melodic metal. Nothing special in itself, but it is mainly the vocals of Arild Fevang that provide added value! The man has a firm voice, pure and very melodic. The vocals will certainly not be for everyone, but we ourselves are quite affected by it. The picture is correct in all areas. Songs with head and tail, beautiful guitar work, excellent drumming and a singer who does his thing with a lot of feeling!» 9/10

HEAVYMETAL.NO (This Is Madness)
Your Trusted Metal Guide! (NO)
«The song «In My Darkest Hour» is very strong and reveals a great singer. The band are having fun in a progressive landscape. A song like «The Jester» stays with you, and you might catch yourself in humming along if you listen enough. There are some really great vocalmelodies here, and Connect The Circle has managed to create refreshing choruses and hooks in the metal. The music is a balanced experience between something epic, beautiful and melodic. There is a lot of warmth here, from both the singer and the musicians. When they are at their best, they are just as great and exiting to listen to as the greatest and biggest bands out there.»

MUSIKA (This Is Madness)
Online Metalsite (BE)
«This Is Madness» only counts eight songs, but each of them ensures that your attention does not escape anywhere. Well, we get the idea of having heard it all before, but whenever we want to put our finger on it, Connect The Circle slips on a slightly different side. Still, we have to admit that a band like Dio is a great source of inspiration. So powerful songs, but with a lot of attention to melody. And no, this album is not as impressive as 'Holy Diver', for example, but we suspect that the gentlemen will soon be finishing an assignment of that level.»